As the class of 2014 came through the library in first-year orientation (aka Camp Sweet Briar, I learned from my secret source ☺), they heard the standard get-to-know-us routine that their predecessors have heard….and one standout that they hadn’t – that we want them to text us. Text-A-Librarian was something we implemented last fall and that we’ve been promoting here and there, but never before to an entire class, captive – though maybe a little bit glassy-eyed.
Holy COW has the response been nice! In the first week since orientation, the texting use for our service has skyrocketed, statistically doubling our highest month ever. We’re getting some great questions and I personally am having a ball. I am NOT a reference librarian (ask anyone who knows me, except Lobo, please. He’ll just tell you I hurt people. Especially him. But we all know about how easily he injures). But with Text A Librarian, I am a little ninja practicing reference behind the screens. I’m sitting on my couch, watching Bones, and I get a text. BOOM! I’m off like a shot, like I think I’m handling a case for the FBI (though why I would be working for the FBI in my pjs is anyone’s guess), and there is no satisfaction like sending off my answer. When my wireless server went down at home, no one wants to know the rage that burst forth. I had no access to anything. I wasn’t going to be able to answer ANYTHING if it came through. Crisis averted, folks, but it was a close one.
What I mean is…. keep it coming. We love it. I love it.
Text your questions to 66746 and start your question with Daisy to get our ninja librarian skills going for you. *Disclaimer: some days we may be more like Kung Fu pandas than ninjas. Response depends on amount of caffeine imbibed.
Categories: SBC Library Services, Sweet Briar College