Today we feature a series of sport photos from the Library archive dated 1932 and 1935. They show Sweet Briar College students with their sport attire and equipment in the early 1930’s. All of them were taken in the same spot in front of the Library. Click on the photos to see them larger.
Jackie Bouvier at Sweet Briar College – Vintage photos from the library archives!
I’m in the process of organizing the historic photos of Sweet Briar College. As I was sorting and filing today I came across this wonderful picture of Jackie Bouvier taken when she and her mother visited Sweet Briar probably near 1946. Her mother, Janet Norton Lee, attended Sweet Briar in 1929. Jackie appears to be about 15 or 16 in this photo.
Watch this space! I’ll post more interesting photos as I find them. –Liz
Edible Books Fest – 9 April, 2012
Please join us for Sweet Briar’s Second Annual Edible Book Fest on Monday, April 9, 2012. The event will take place in the Mary Helen Cochran Library from 4-5 PM.
What is an Edible Books Fest?
The Edible Book Fest is held an annual event held at various locations around the world close to April 1st, commemorating the birth of French gastronomist Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. He once said, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.”
Each entry must abide by the following rules
1) It has to be made out of something edible and can be any type of dish, baked good, etc.
2) It must reference a book in some way via the title, characters, book cover, etc.
3) Include your entry’s book title, author, and pun (if applicable)
4) Individual and team entries are welcome
5) Entries may be brought on the morning of the event before work or class (as long as it does not need to be cooked or refrigerated)
All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to enter. Family, Clubs, and Departmental entries are also welcome. Enter early and often! Even if you don’t create anything, please come taste the entries!
To Enter
Fill out and submit your form online at , scan the QR code below, or visit the SBC Library and fill out a form at the main desk. All entry forms must be submitted by 5:00 PM on Sunday, April 8, 2012.
Award Categories
Most Pun-derful
Good Looking Cooking
Best Student Entry
Fan Favorite
El día de los Muertos
El miercoles (2/11/11) tuvimos un celebracíon para el día de los muertos en la biblioteca. Todos las estudiantes y la facultad fueron invitados. Hubieron un gran cantidad de comida: pan de muertos, té de jamaica, totopos, flan y calabaza dulce.
Hice pollo a la parrilla en salsa de mole, salsa verde y un pastel de calabaza. Mi amiga, Jazmine, me enseñó como hacer salsa verde. Toda la comida fue tan sabrosa.
Los miembros del club español construyeron un altar grande en la biblioteca. Colocaron mesas unas sobre otras y pusieron sábanas moradas sobre ellas. Entonces, todos colocaron en el altar las fotos de nuestros seres queridos fallecidos, las catrinas, la Señora de Guadalupe, las velas y pequeñitas luces de colores. El altar fue muy bonito y hermoso. Puse una foto de mi hermano y mi madre allí.
Este fue el primer año que hemos tenido este celebracíon. Fue un gran exito y espero que lo hacemos otra vez en el próximo año.
Dia de los Muertos altar is ready!
Please bring your photos to add to the Spanish Club’s Dia de los Muertos altar in the library. Photos of our beloved SBC faculty, students and alums who have passed on are welcome additions to the altar.
The Dia de los Muertos celebration will begin at 5pm on Wednesday November 2. Come by early to enjoy the dedication followed by traditional (and not so traditional) snacks and beverages.
Live shark in the Library today!
From Lisa Johnston – There will be a live shark in the Library’s Browsing Room today. You read that right. Fall Friends of the Library lecture will be presented by Dr. John Morrissey of the Biology Department. He’s bringing a chain cat shark. Be there today at 4 pm!
New databases to trial at the Library
The Library has the following 2 databases for a trial period beginning today and ending on November 1st.
Art & Architecture Complete:
Art & Architecture Complete is a leading database for the study of art and architecture, it provides full-text coverage of 380 periodicals and more than 220 books. In addition, Art & Architecture Complete offers cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 780 academic journals, magazines and trade publications, as well as for over 230 books. The database also provides selective coverage for 70 additional publications and an Image Collection of over 63,000 images provided by Picture Desk and others.
Art & Architecture Complete has been designed for use by a diverse audience that includes art scholars, artists, designers, college students, and general researchers.
This database covers a wide variety of pertinent subjects, including antiques, art and art history, interior and landscape design, and more.,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=vth
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, published by Columbia University, is the only comprehensive American guide to the current literature of architecture and design. This database surveys more than 2,500 U.S. and foreign journals. The index covers international, scholarly and popular periodical literature, including publications of professional associations, U.S. state and regional periodicals, and major serial publications on the architecture and design of Europe, Asia, Latin America and Australia. This database also provides nearly 13,000 citation records for architects’ obituaries.,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=bvh
Please try these 2 databases, pass them on to your students and let us know how you would use them in your classes.
Caution: Women at Work
During the week prior to and then during exams, Cochran Library is open 24/7. On Wednesday, May 11th, when exams officially end the building will breathe a sigh of relief when the doors close at 5 p.m. and summer hours begin. The students began taking up residence on Tuesday, arriving with laptops, books, highlighters, blankets, pillows, cups, and junk food that is supplemented by offerings from the generous folks at CCL. Most of them will rarely leave during this time, so they sleep– anywhere they can find.
If you want to experience the Library’s exam time atmosphere, do stop by, but don’t say a word in any of the reading rooms, they will shush you!
Some students describe this time in the Library as a Sweet Briar Tradition. During Alumnae Reunion, SBC Alumnae stop by to show their family and friends where they slept, and brag about how many days they lasted in the Library.
We hope the tour groups are understanding when they see the mess.
We provide free coffee and tea in the Periodical Reading Room. BYOCup.